बुधवार, 29 नवंबर 2023

Catholic Reformation : Causes

Due to Luther's protest movement, the respect of the Roman Catholic religion and its supreme priest, the Pope, was hurt and its importance started decreasing day by day. Therefore, seeing and understanding the circumstances, to end the opposition, he decided to make some reforms in the Roman Catholic religion. The reform plans made by Roman Catholic reformers are called Roman Catholic Reform Movement or Counter-Reformation.The following reasons and circumstances were responsible for Counter-Reformation:

1. Interpersonal differences among Protestant followers: Taking advantage

The originator of the Protestant religion was Martin Luther, but due to his differences with the religious reformers of other countries, the unity of the Protestant sect was broken and it was divided into three parts. The occasion was ripe for Catholic reformers. Taking advantage of the mutual animosity among the Protestant religion, he started efforts to reform the Catholic religion, in which he achieved considerable success, because the differences of opinion among the three branches of the Protestant religion, Lutheranism, Zweigism and Calvinism, were increasing.

2.Council of Trent: Internal Reform in Catholicism: Self-examination

For the revival of Catholic religion, a meeting was organized at a place called Trent in 1562 AD, in which new rules for Catholic religion were propounded. The following main doctrines were confirmed at the Council of Trent:

(ⅰ) The head of the Catholic Church is the Pope.

(ii) The Church has the monopoly on interpreting religious texts.

(iii) A new Bible should be prepared in Latin for Catholics.

Apart from this, some reforms were also announced in this meeting, the main ones were the following:

(i) A ban was imposed on selling church posts.

(ii) All bishops should perform their respective duties.

(iii) Proper training arrangements for the priests.

(iv) To propagate sermons in the language of common people as per requirement.

3. Great religious reformer: Support and cooperation

Fortunately, Catholics got the support and cooperation of some great religious reformers who wanted to remove the flaws prevalent in Catholic religion. Among these, the name of Ignatius Loyola is especially noteworthy, who gave importance to religious reform and reaction through his ideal life and good behaviour. King Philip of Spain also cooperated in this.

4. Jesuit Society: organization

A Jesuit order was established to oppose Protestantism. This organization was founded by Ignitius Loyola, a Spanish soldier. Loyola was unanimously elected general of this union. Since the organization of this Sangh was based on military system, the discipline was very strict. The Jesuits enjoyed some special rights due to which they became the foremost protectors of the Catholic religion. Every member had to take four promise, firstly to live in poverty, secondly to obey third commandment of celibacy and fourthly to have devotion towards the Pope. The result of the efforts of this association was that the growing influence of Protestantism could be stopped in countries like France, Germany, Poland etc.

5.Prohibited anti-Catholic books: Trying to Create Distance

According to the Council of Trent the Pope was requested to prepare a list of books that were anti-Catholic. Therefore, the Pope prepared a list of prohibited books and reading the books mentioned in it was banned for Catholics. Apart from this, sermon books were revised and new books were prepared for religious education.

6. Religious Court (Inquisition): Fear of punishment

An effort was made to elevate the moral as well as religious conduct of Catholics. Religious courts (Inquisition) were established for those who behaved below the prescribed standards. It was established first in Italy and then in other countries. For its establishment, approval had to be taken from that state. Those who criticized the Catholic Church were presented and tried in these courts. This court had the power to arrest a person, confiscate his property and even give him the death penalty. Only the Pope had the right to hear the final appeal regarding the decisions of these courts.

Thus, through these above mentioned institutions or means, the Catholic Church achieved considerable success in re-establishing its lost prestige and stopping the growing influence of Protestantism. Apart from these, other factors also proved helpful for the success of the counter-reform movement. Firstly, the Popes of the last years of the sixteenth century were of good character and devout. Secondly, the Protestants lacked leadership like Luther. Apart from this, the change in political circumstances also contributed to the success of the counter-reform movement. Due to their political interests, countries like France, Spain, Portugal, Austria, Poland etc. compromised with the Pope and provided support to him, which strengthened this movement.

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