गुरुवार, 4 मई 2023

Theosophical Society and the works of Annie Besant

The Theosophical Society was an important cultural movement in India that influenced the religious and social life of the country. The word Theosophy is a combination of two Greek words. Theos in Greek means God and Sophia means wisdom. In Sanskrit it is called Brahma Vidya. The term theosophy was first used by the Greek scholar Iamblichus of Alexandria in the 3rd century. In modern times this term was used by the Theosophical Society. 

A Russian woman named Helena Petrovna Blavatsky was considered to be an expert in ghost knowledge(spirituality). In those days, there was a lot of discussion about ghost knowledge in America and a gentleman named Colonel Alcott was deeply interested in this Knowledge. Blavatsky went to New York, where he was introduced to Alcott and together, they laid the foundation of the Theosophical Society on 7 September 1875. It is said that there were some superior souls in Tibet who had contact with Mrs. Blavatsky. She used to work under the guidance of these souls. These holy souls further gave this message to them that you should come to India with your organization. Complying with this order, Blavatsky reached Mumbai on 16 February 1879. Here Arya Samaj gave him a grand welcome. As soon as they came, they started thinking of a way to stop the propaganda of Christian missionaries and started insisting that there should be a change in the education system of India and the study of Sanskrit education should go on in a more important way here. In 1882, the office of the Theosophical Society was moved to Adyar Madras. After a few days Blavatsky went to England after becoming ill and did not return. His book Secret Doctrine was published in England, after reading this Annie Besant was initiated into the Theosophical Society.

The objectives of this institution were as follows-

(1.) To discover the laws of nature and to develop the divine powers of man.

(2.) To establish co-ordination among all the religions by not giving patronage to the bigotry of any religion.

(3.) To assist in the study of ancient religion, philosophy and science which may be found anywhere in the world.

(4.) To develop world brotherhood or world recognition.

(5.) To study and spread the religions and philosophy of eastern countries.


                        Works of Annie Besant

Mrs. Annie Besant was a highly educated, aristocratic, Irish woman. She came to India on 16 November 1873 at the age of 46 and became active in the cultural movement of India. He contributed a lot in spreading the work of Theosophical Society. She was Irish by birth but she considered India as her motherland. He had immense love for Indianness, Hindu religion and Hindu society. He believed that the future of India is linked to Hindu religion and culture. Many scholars and leaders, influenced by his great personality, joined the Theosophical Society.


1. Made India as home

Annie Besant believed that she was a Hindu in her previous birth. That's why as soon as he came to India, he painted himself completely in the colour of Hindutva and adopted Indian dress and food. She used to roam in Hindu pilgrimages. He spent most of his time in Kashi where he established the Central Hindu College which later developed into the Hindu University. The pundits of Kashi gave her the title of Sarva-Shukla-Sarasvati.

2. Service of Indian Culture

While living in Banaras, he wrote the stories of Ramayana and Mahabharata and translated the Gita. He gave powerful speeches in favour of Hindu religion and culture. Service of Hindu religion by Mrs. Annie Besant the most important work of Hindu religion. Raja Rammohan Roy and Swami Dayanand emphasized on the worship of formless God and denied idol worship, incarnationism, pilgrimage, fasting rituals and mythological things, but Annie Besant, while recognizing the importance of Vedas and Upanishads, idol worship, polytheism, yoga, reincarnation, Through Karmavad, Tirtha, Vrat, Gita, Smriti, Puranas, Dharma Shastras and Epics etc., supported the holistic form of Hinduism in a logical and scientific manner.

3. Hinduism the future of India

She often used to say this in her speeches- 'Hinduism is the soul of India, Hinduism is the soil in which India's roots are buried. If that soil is removed, the tree like India will dry up. India has no future without Hindutva. Only Indians and Hindus can protect Hindutva. There are many religions, many castes that find shelter in India, but none of them have reached the past of India. None of these have the guts to keep India alive as a nation. Even if each one of these vanishes from India, India will remain India, but if Hindutva vanishes, nothing will remain. The welfare of the world can happen only with the awakening of Hindutva.

4. Planting self-pride in Indians

When Annie Besant came to India, English educated Indians had started losing faith in Hindu religion and culture. At such a time, Annie Besant took the initiative to revive Indian ideals. Annie Besant himself travelled to Hindu pilgrimages. He travelled to Amarnath barefoot and entered the temple after bathing in cool water there. Seeing an English woman doing this, it got stuck in the mind of Hindus that their religion is not inferior to other religions but is superior. Annie Besant translated the Gita while living in Kashi, wrote short commentaries on the Ramayana and the Mahabharata. Praised the importance and glory of Hindu religion and culture in front of the people of Europe and America. When the English educated people of India heard the glorification of Hindu religion and culture from the mouth of an English woman, they started re-awakening their faith in their religion. Annie Besant's speeches instilled a sense of self-respect among the Indians.

5. Scientific explanation of religion

The Theosophical Society believes in monotheism. According to this- 'The basis of the development of mankind is the divine plan of development, and all religions are different forms of this plan. That's why there can be no conflict between them. There is no conflict between religion and science. The followers of this institution believe in the fruits of action and reincarnation. According to him, after death, the soul is reborn according to his deeds and he enjoys the fruits of his past deeds. Their aim is to develop brotherhood among all classes of the world.

6. Interference in Indian politics

Annie Besant changed his field from religion to politics in 1914 AD. She joined the Home Rule Movement launched by Lokmanya Tilak. In 1917, the Madras government put Annie Besant under house arrest, but due to the strong public agitation, the government immediately freed him. She was elected to the post of President of the Indian National Congress. As an active member of the Congress, she did an important job of awakening political consciousness in India. The Theosophical Society established schools, colleges and hostels at many places. This organization did the work of social reform by protesting against evils like child marriage, bride-groom-selling, untouchability etc.


The work of the Society not only strengthened the religion and social reform movement, but also gave new life to the national movement. No Hindu has done as much work as Mrs. Annie Besant has done for Hindu awakening. Gandhiji has written about him- 'As long as India is alive, the services of Annie Besant will also be alive. He had accepted India as his birthplace. Whatever he had to give, he offered it at the feet of India. That's why she has become so dear and revered in the eyes of the people of India.

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