सोमवार, 22 अप्रैल 2024

Prarthna Samaj



In 1864 AD, Keshavchandra Sen went to Bombay and wanted to open a branch of Brahmo Samaj there. Due to his influence, Prarthana Samaj was established in Bombay in 1867.

Its founding president was Atmaram Pandurang, but the real inspiration behind it was Mahadev Govind Ranade.

The efforts made by the Brahmo-Samajis of Bengal to establish unity among all religions, the aim of the Prarthana-Samajis was similar.

In the prayers of the society too, mantras, Vedas, Upanishads, Quran, Zendavesta and Bible were taken from all the religious texts and the members of the society had equal faith in all the religions.

Their main leader was M.G. Ranade, RG Bhandarkar and NG Chandavarkar.

Ranade founded the Deccan Educational Society in 1884 and the Widow Remarriage Association in 1891.

Prarthana Samaj published a newspaper named Subodh Patrika and also established the Dalit Uddhar Mission.

A night school was opened to educate the working class.

Pandita Rama Bai, a talented Marathi woman, contributed to the establishment of Arya Mahila Samaj.

Objective of Prarthana Samaj-

1. Opposition to caste system

2. Support for widow remarriage

3. Promotion of women's education

4. Barrier to child marriage

Caution – The connection with the past should not be broken and all relations with our society should not be broken.

Mahadev Govind Ranade

Achievements - Just as Raja Rammohan Roy was the first leader of Hindu revival in Bengal, similarly, Mahadev Govind Ranade started this movement in Maharashtra. Ranade was almost equal to Ram Mohan Roy in intellectual height.

Ranade was a Chitpavan Brahmin. He was born in 1842 AD in Nashik district. He was a great scholar of literature, politics and economics. He was in government service and, eventually, he also became a High Court judge.

Many institutions were born through his hands. He opened so many institutions in Pune that Pune became a pilgrimage site for public workers.

Just as Hindutva had given birth to Rammohan Roy in Bengal to protect itself from the attacks of Christianity and European ideas, in the same way it gave birth to Ranade in Maharashtra and like Rammohan Roy, Ranade also wanted to answer Europe with European means. Were.

Weaknesses - He was an ardent reformist and wanted to present a pure form of Hindutva by erasing the stereotypes. But, his time was only the time of birth of reforms and Hindu fundamentalism was not ready to be suppressed by the reformers at that time.

Some of the misfortune that had followed Keshavchandra in Bengal also remained with him. The thing was that Ranade's first wife passed away and he married an eleven year old virgin girl instead of a widow.

It is said that he had to marry against his wishes and feelings due to his father's stubbornness. But, he had to suffer the punishment for this and he continued to silently listen to the taunts of his critics throughout his life.

Opposition to Tilak

It was also an irony of history that Lokmanya Bal Gangadhar Tilak had to oppose the reforms that Ranade wanted to bring in the society. Ranade and Tilak remained divided into two opposing camps throughout their lives and Tilak's arrows kept raining down on Ranade throughout his life.

1.      Age of Consent Bill’

When the Age of Consent Bill was presented in the Imperial Council in 1891, Tilak strongly opposed it. It seems that Tilakji was more practical and timely than other reformers of his contemporaries. The Hindu people of the nineteenth century were dreadfully fanatic. She was extremely cautious in matters of caste and untouchability and was not ready to give even the slightest leeway to anyone.

2.      Sharda-Sadan- 11 March 1889

The second incident happened regarding an institution called Sharda-Sadan. This institution was established by Pandita Rama Bai. Pandita Rama Bai was a Brahmin and had extraordinary authority on Sanskrit knowledge. She married NonBrahmin, and returned to America as a Christian. He opened Sharda Sadan for the education of girls. But, due to his radical thoughts and behavior many people turned against him. Ranade and Agarkar believed that there is no harm in Hindu girls studying in Sharda Sadan. But, Tilakji said that this organization is going to take Hindu girls on the path of Christianity. Therefore, it should be boycotted.

Effect of Tilak

On top of that, the Hindu-Muslim riots that took place in Bombay and Pune in 1893-94 AD worsened the situation even further. After these riots, Tilakji started Ganesh-puja and Shivaji-mahotsav in Maharashtra, due to which the sentiments of Hindu nationalism rose strongly. In front of this flood of past-oriented sentiments, the reformers were uprooted and the leadership of Maharashtra passed into the hands of Tilakji.

Shri D.S. Sharma has said that when Tilak ji's donation was given to Gandhiji, then in a way, the burden of the bow of nationalism was left from Parashuram and came into the hands of Ram.

Importance of Prarthana-Samaj

1.     Although Ranade did not enter politics, whatever he did on the cultural field gave enough impetus to the nationalism of India.

2.     Prarthana Samaj was opposed to the caste system, he wanted to break the practice of considering one person as superior and the other inferior by birth and he wanted to promote women's education and equality between men and women.

3.     It is true that the people of this society were impersonalists; But, this society did not have the condition of giving up idol worship and traditional rituals, like many conditions were imposed by the Brahmo Samajists in Bengal.

4.     In Brahmo-Samaji Bengal, only people from the rich and learned classes were involved, but Ranade wanted that the uneducated people should also enter the prayer society, although his wish was never fulfilled.

5.     Similar to the Bhakti movement that arose in medieval Maharashtra, Ranade wanted to take the prayer society everywhere and there was no fault in it. Gyandev, Eknath, Tukaram, Ramdas and Janardan Pant, these saints were very generous. He patronized the equality of human beings.

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