सोमवार, 20 फ़रवरी 2023

Act of 1909


Agitated by the unethical actions of the British administration, the Congress started raising its voice. However, according to the policy of divide and rule, the government of Lord Curzon partitioned Bengal on communal basis, which was the culmination of its strategy. This did not stop the movement, but intensified, and this explosive situation forced Curzon's successor, Marley Minto, to unite the Muslims and any one party of the Congress (moderate or extremist) with him, to appease the Indian public through constitutional reforms. Please satisfy So this is how Marley Minto's reform came. Marley wrote about the risk of these reforms that this reform might not save the kingdom, but if it could not, no one else could. At this time the Viceroy was Lord Minto and the India Secretary was 'John Morley'.

Key Provisions

1. For the first time, the principle of electing some members of the legislature was accepted in India and Indian members were first included in the executive council of the Viceroy of India and two Indians K.C. Gupta and Syed Hussain Wilgrami were appointed to the Council of India in England. .

2. Separate representation and voting arrangements were made for Muslims by applying the principle of communal suffrage in this act.

On the basis of representation, the election system was implemented in the Legislative Council and 3 types of electoral boards were created.

I- General Electoral  II- Special Electoral  III- Class Special Electoral

4. The size and power of the Central and Provincial Legislatures were increased. The number of members of the Legislative Council was increased to 69, in which 37 were official and 32 non-official members, out of these 37 members, 27 were elected and 5 were nominated.

5. Bombay and United Provinces had 47 members in the Provincial Council, 25 in Punjab, 52 in Bengal and 30 additional members in other small provinces.

6. The members of the council were given the right to discuss the budget and question it. But these arrangements were for special persons.

7. For the first time in the Council of Viceroy, an Indian 'S.P.Sinha' was made legal advisor.

8. Members were given the power to move motions though the Speaker could refuse to do so.

9. In the Legislative Councils, the members were given the power to discuss all other public interest subjects, except such subjects, which may disturb the relations of the government with foreign powers or with the Indian princes or which are before the courts. .

10. By this act the number of members in the executive councils of Bombay, Calcutta, Bengal, and Madras was increased to 4.

Shortcoming :

These reforms also created some new problems in Indian politics. These problems were two-pronged.

British point of view

Although Lord Marley tried to make it clear that self-rule is not suitable for India, therefore he was completely against establishing a parliamentary or responsible government in India. In fact he gave an unequivocal disclaimer saying "If it is said that by this chapter of reforms a parliamentary system can be indirectly established in India, at least I am not concerned with it." Nevertheless, suffrage, electoral politics and access of Indians to elite institutions in India triggered concerns for the stability of the British.

From Indian point of view

One such problem was that of separate electoral and constituencies for Muslims. As Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru put it, "It created a political resistance around them that cut them off from the rest of India, completely reversing all efforts towards unity and reconciliation that had begun over the centuries... In the beginning these resistances were small because the electorate was small but as the franchise went on increasing it polluted the whole atmosphere of the political and social circle, like a disease which affects the whole body. The Muslims were not only given separate community representation for their political importance, but for their services to the Empire they were given representation far in excess of their numbers. The matter did not end here. Other religious units in the country followed suit. How could they tolerate injustice? Some of them claimed to do 'greater service to the Empire' and yet they did not get any special concession. Thus the Sikhs agitated for their rights and in 1919 they were also given special privileges. Got representation. It's a green signal for other castes as well. Thus Harijans, Indian Christians, Europeans and Anglo-Indians also got separate representation as per the 1935 Act. The people who had been living together for centuries and in which the feeling of national unity was being formed, ended in one go. Mahatma Gandhi also said the same thing that Minto-Morley reforms have ruined us. According to KM Munshi, "He killed the emerging democracy." The Indian Constitutional Reforms Report published in 1918 said, “This (separate electorate) is against the teaching of history. It perpetuates religions and classes giving rise to camps which are conflicting with each other and encourage them to become biased rather than giving them the power to think as a citizen. This allows the existing conditions to remain unchanged and hinders the development of the principles of self-government." It's going to be awful."

Thus the process of both independence and partition of India started with the act of 1909.

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