सोमवार, 3 अप्रैल 2023

Importance and impact of Glorious Revolution

The glorious revolution of 1688 AD has great importance in the history of England. As a result of this revolution, the struggle between the parliament and the king, which was going on since 1603 AD or even earlier, came to an end. The importance of this revolution is as follows -

1. Clarification of the main principles of politics

This revolution clarified all the principles due to which this struggle was going on like whose rights are paramount in the king and the parliament; what is the nature of the Church of England; Ministers of State are responsible to the King or to the Parliament; Who has the right to protect civil liberties, make laws and levy taxes; The country's foreign policy and home policy should be according to whose wishes.

2. Rejection of the divine rights of the king

The divine rights of the king cannot be accepted. He is not responsible to God but to the representative Parliament of the people. The power of the public is paramount, so the king does not have the right to change the prevailing rules. The real power of the king depends only on the cooperation of the Parliament. Regarding the responsibility of the Ministers of State, it became clear that they are responsible to the Parliament only.

3. The king is Subject to parliamentary rights

This revolution also made it clear that protecting civil liberties, making laws and levying taxes are under the rights of the Parliament, the king cannot interfere in any way. The home and foreign policy of the state will also be determined by the king not voluntarily but in consultation with the Parliament.

4. Supremacy of Protestant religion in England

In the religious field also it became clear that the real religion of England is Anglican or Protestant. The king's authority over the church was abolished and the responsibility of the church was handed over to the Parliament. It was also decided that no Catholic person or who was married to a Catholic could sit on the throne of England. In this way the threat of Catholicism was ended forever from England and Protestant religion was established in England forever.

5. Bill of Rights

An important result of the Glorious Revolution in 1688 was the emergence of the Parliament as the paramount force in administrative matters. The main source of increasing the power of the Parliament was the Bill of Rights. William had accepted the Bill of Rights before his accession to the throne.

The main clauses of this Bill of Rights were the following:

The king will not keep a permanent army in peace time.

The king will not have the right to establish the Court of High Commission or break the existing rules.

The election of the parliament will be done freely and the members of the parliament will have complete freedom of speech.

The king will not levy taxes without the permission of the parliament.

In future, a Catholic person will not be able to sit on the throne of England.

6.  Cabinet system

From the reign of William, the king used to appoint ministers and they were responsible to the king. During the time of Charles, there were two parties in the Parliament, Whigs and Tory. Both of them were of opposing ideologies. William was forced to appoint his ministers from both the parties. Due to the conflicting parties of the ministers, there used to be differences between them, hence there was a problem in doing the work of the government. The Earl of Cenderland proposed that William should appoint only one party as minister because they would easily work unanimously and they would also get the confidence and support of Parliament. William accepted this advice and started appointing ministers from the majority party in the Parliament. This training of William was successful and in future this practice became permanent. William started appointing his ministers from this party because of the whigs party being in the majority. The meeting of the ministers was called 'Cabinet' and the party government was also established from this time itself.

In this way, Glorious Revolution has great importance in the history of England because in place of despotism and despotism of the kings, real parliamentary system was established. In this way, from the constitutional point of view, it had an impact not only on England but on the whole world. Because of this revolution, the spirit of tolerance in England became stronger and the ban on the press was lifted. The Department of Justice and the Executive were separated and a popular government was established. As Ramsey Muir has written, "This memorable and epoch-making event marked the beginning of the era of popular government in England, and the transfer of power from the hands of despotic monarchs to Parliament." fell into the hands of

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