रविवार, 8 जनवरी 2023

Causes of Renaissance

The ambush of many incidents erupted in the form of renaissance. No single event or time was responsible for it, but events and changes at different times created its background. In fact, this attitude was a product of the socio-economic and political background, which was holding famines after feasts. The population was still suffering from frequent wars and the ravages of the weather on agriculture when an epidemic like the Black Death knocked and completely disrupted the European society and economy. The equilibrium that the results produced depended not only on the new form of the economy and its technology, but also on the displacement of society and its attitudes.       

1.    The Italian Background

Italy, the residence of the Pope, was different from all other countries, claiming to hold the ancient Roman heritage. Italy's favorable trading position in the Mediterranean countries led to the construction of cities such as Milan, Naples, Florence and Venice. Whose effect was not only in the form of the rise of the budding business class, but it also created a bourgeois class in Italy, which neither cared for the feudal lords, nor for the Pope, who ignore medieval beliefs, and their commercial Needs used to emphasize secularism in education. This society of Florence became the patron of Dante, Petrarch, Buccaccio, Angelo and Machiavelli.

2.     Crusade

The wars fought in Europe between the Muslims and Christians regarding Jerusalem, from the last decade of the eleventh century to the end of the thirteenth century, have been given the name of the Crusades. These Crusades brought Europeans into contact with the peoples of the East, who were enlightened by the light of knowledge. It is known that in eastern countries Arab people had developed a rich civilization of their own by contact with Greek and Indian civilizations. The Crusades proved helpful in ending the isolation of Europe. Aristotle's scientific texts, Arabic numerals, algebra, compasses, and paper reached Western Europe only through the Crusades. In this way, these crusades did important work by spreading new ideas and by damaging old ideas, beliefs and institutions and as a result renaissance became possible.

3.     Trade Prosperity

In human history, flourishing of civilizations and culture has always been possible through prosperity. Due to the Crusades, trade relations were established with the Eastern countries of Europe. Many European traders had settled in Jerusalem and on the coasts of Asia Minor. As a result, there was a great increase in trade, which ultimately helped in the rise of the spirit of Renaissance. Commercial prosperity helped in renaissance in four ways. First - exchange of ideas and progressive elements. Second – Birth of new cities, such as – Venice, Milan, Florence, Engelberg, Nuremberg etc. Third- Due to the increase in the immense wealth with the budding merchant class, they got the opportunity to study. In the Middle Ages, only the priests got this opportunity. Fourth – The business class tried to reduce its importance by strongly criticizing the church.

4.    Paper and printing machinery

Europeans learned the art of paper-making through the Arabs in the Middle Ages. In the middle of the fifteenth century, a person named Joe Gutenberg of Germany invented such a type machine, which can be called the predecessor of the modern press. This invention of the printing machine opened the way for intellectual development. Within 50 years of the invention of printing, the number of books increased to ninety lakhs. When Erasmus's book first appeared, some 2,500 copies were sold immediately. The monopoly of the elite on knowledge ended. Now the public could not be misled by saying "it is written in the books" because the public could now read the texts themselves if needed, what is written in them? Due to the spread of knowledge through books, superstitions and stereotypes began to weaken, due to which self-confidence was awakened in the people. The invention of the printing press paved the way for satisfying the intellectual appetites of every individual in the society. According to Bacon's lofty statement, "Truth is not of power, but the daughter of time." With time, truth was revealed.

5.    Rise of the Mongol Empire

The Renaissance was inspired by the rise of the vast Mongol Empire. After the death of the famous Central-Asia conqueror Genghis Khan in the thirteenth century, Kublai Khan established a vast and powerful empire. The territories of Russia, Poland, Hungary etc. were included in this. His court was the center of scholars, religious preachers and traders. the Mongol regency was the emissaries of the Pope; Buddhist monks of India; artisans from Paris, Italy and China; Mathematicians and astrologers etc. of India were beautified by all. Peking and Samarkand had become international centers during this period. Therefore, the real contact between East and West was established in this era. Marco Polo, the famous Venetian traveller, went to the court of Kublai Khan in 1272 AD. Returning from there, he wrote a detailed description of his journey. His travel details stirred the minds of Europeans for a long time. Incidentally, it would also be appropriate to mention that due to the contact with Mongols, Europe got the first information about paper and printing, compass and gunpowder. "Perhaps the Mongols are of great importance in the history of the world, not as original knowledge, but as having passed on to the civilized world the knowledge acquired by other races."

6.    Turkish occupation of Constantinople

In 1453, the Turks captured Constantinople, the capital of the Eastern Roman (Byzantine) Empire. With the Turks gaining control over Constantinople, the land route leading from Europe to the eastern countries was now under the control of the Turks. So the people of South West Europe got anxious to find a new trade route. It was this anxiety that led to the discovery of America, the sea route to India and the eastern islands. Constantinople was a great center of knowledge, philosophy and art for the last two hundred years. From here thousands of Greek scholars, philosophers and artists went to countries like Italy, France, Germany, England etc. in search of livelihood. While leaving, they took the knowledge-science and new thinking method of ancient Rome and Greece with them. Cardinal Bessarion alone reached Italy with 800 manuscripts.

In this way renaissance became possible under the combined effect of many circumstances. Such reasons were already present in the Europe of the thirteenth century, due to which new cultural, political and economic life values were established in Europe in the 15th and 16th centuries and Europe seemed to have reawakened after centuries.

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