मंगलवार, 17 जनवरी 2023

Geographical discovery and its Importance

As a result of cultural renaissance and religious awakening in Europe, a series of journeys and explorations were started by the citizens of Europe with the cooperation of the state. Due to which a new chapter was inaugurated in world history which was called the era of discovery or the era of exploration. The initial reason for geographical discoveries was related to God, Gold and Glory. The following reasons were responsible for these geographical explorations-

1. Discovery of new sea route

In 1453 AD, after the Ottoman occupation of Constantinople, European trade relations with the Eastern countries were blocked and the small trade that was done from the Eastern Mediterranean was monopolized by the cities of Italy. Goods were available from Italy to the cities of Western Europe at higher prices. Therefore, the countries of Western Europe began to search for such trade routes through which trade relations could be established with the Eastern countries. In this way, the main reason for these geographical explorations was to search for new waterways for trade, so that more economic benefits could be obtained by developing trade-commerce.

2. Missionary spirit

The spirit of religious propaganda encouraged the European countries of the West to search for new places and propagate Christianity there. Therefore, for this purpose, many rulers of Western European countries encouraged sailors to travel by sea.

3. Increase in geographical knowledge

Geographical knowledge also increased during the Renaissance. Apart from this, due to the improvement of the field of shipping and new scientific inventions, the work of geographical discoveries also became difficult. Due to the invention of Compass, now the knowledge of directions in the sea could be obtained very well. In this way, Compass created a revolution in the fields of mapping and shipping.

4. Travelogue of Marco Polo

Marco Polo, a resident of Italy, traveled to China and many eastern countries in the 13th century and returned home after living in China for many years. He published the account of his journey, under which he discussed the prosperity and splendor of the eastern countries. He also described the things obtained from there like sugar, spices, cotton, gold, precious gems, etc., due to which the people of Europe were very impressed and now they are trying to establish contact with the eastern countries.

                            Geographic Exploration

1. Prince Henry the Navigator:

Portugal first started efforts in the direction of geographical discoveries. In the beginning of the 15th century, Portugal was the only country which was more organized than other countries of Europe. Efforts towards geographical discoveries started during the period of Prince Henry (1394-1460 AD). Although he did not travel personally, nor did he discover any place, but the help he provided to the sailors is highly commendable, as a result of which many geographical journeys were done. This is the reason why he is known as the 'Great Navigator'. He greatly encouraged the training of sailors. As a result, the island groups of Madeira and Azores were discovered and Portuguese colonies were established there. He also established the first institute for geographical research in Sagres in 1418.

2. Bartholomew Diaz: 

Diaz was a Portuguese explorer who became the first explorer to round the southern tip of Africa; thus opening the sea route via Cape of Good Hope.

3. John Cabot: 

John Cabot was an Italian explorer. He was the first European to search for the North-West passage. John Cabot discovered the Island of Newfoundland in 1497.

4. Christopher Columbus: 

He was an explorer and trader from Italy who sailed across the Atlantic Ocean, to discover India so that trade could be done, instead of crossed the Atlantic Ocean and discovered the America on October 12, 1492.

5. Amerigo Vespucci: 

He voyaged and wrote about the America. He explored the east coast of South America between 1499 and 1502. His exploration journey along the eastern coastline of South America convinced him that new continents had been discovered. In 1507, this new continent was named as “America” after Vespucci’s first name.

6. Juan Ponce de Leon: 

He was a Spanish explorer famous for being the first one to reach Florida. He established the oldest European settlement in Puerto Rico and discovered the warm current Gulf Stream.

7. Pedro Alvares Cabral: 

He was a Portuguese navigator and explorer, who discovered Brazil (1500).

8. Vasco da Gama: 

He discovered the ocean route from Portugal to India. He was the first explorer who discovered and sailed directly from Europe to India, through Cape of Good Hope in Africa.

9. Ferdinand Magellan: 

Another Portuguese maritime explorer, Ferdinand Magellan (1480-1521), led the first successful attempt to circum-navigate the earth. He was the first to cross all the meridians of the globe. He becomes the first person to lead an expedition sailing westward from the Europe to Asia and to cross the Pacific Ocean.

10.William Barents: 

He was a Dutch navigator and explorer, a leader of early expeditions to far north. The Barents Sea is named after him.

11. Willem Jansz: 

He was a Dutch navigator and colonial governor. He is known to the first European who landed in Australia.

12. Abel Tasman: 

He was one of the greatest Dutch navigators and explorers. He was the first to travel in Australian and South Pacific Waters. He discovered New Zealand in 1642.

13. Captain James Cook: 

He was an English navigator and cartographer. He made three voyages to the Pacific Ocean, accurately charting many areas and recording several islands and coastlines on European maps for the first time. His most notable accomplishment was the discovery of the east coast of Australia.; he even discovered the Hawaiian Islands.

Importance and results of geographical discoveries

Efforts were made in the direction of geographical explorations by Western European countries, so they were the first to benefit from these explorations. The following important results came out of these geographical explorations-


1. Growth of colonial empire-

The most important result of geographical explorations was the establishment of colonies and the development of colonial empires. The places that were discovered were established as colonies. As a result, colonies of Western European countries were established in America, some areas of Africa, some states of Asia etc. Portugal and Spain were pioneers in the expansion of the colonial empire because efforts were first made by these countries in the direction of geographical exploration.

2. Development of trade

New waterways were found through these explorations. Trade and commerce progressed through these waterways. In these explorations, earlier the Mediterranean Sea was the center of trade, but now its importance has ended and the importance of the Atlantic Sea has increased. The trade of sub-European countries was established with Asia, America, Africa etc. The monopoly of trade of Italian merchants with eastern countries came to an end. The development of commercial revolution and commercialism was also possible through geographical explorations.

3. Development of capitalism-

Capitalism emerged as a result of revolution in trade and commerce. Through these geographical discoveries, the merchants of Europe got new markets, through which the need and consumption of goods increased. Capitalists tried to earn profit by investing capital in trade and commerce on a large scale. For this purpose, the capitalists also started investing jointly, due to which the company system developed.


5. Development of slave trade-

One side effect of these geographical explorations was the re-development of the slave trade, which was not separate from the sugar industry. From the newly discovered places, the natives there were made slaves and brought to European countries and sold them. They were forced to work hard in the forests, fields and mining. Inhuman atrocities were also done on them by their masters.

6. International rivalry-

Portugal and Spain were the first to lead in the field of geographical explorations, which established their vast colonial empires. In course of time, other countries of Europe also started trying for establishment of colonies and expansion of colonial empire. In this way, a kind of competition started between them to establish colonial supremacy which gave rise to international rivalry. This international rivalry later proved to be the cause of many wars.

7. Destruction of original civilizations

Colonialism destroyed some of the native civilizations of the Americas. Two examples of this are the Inca and Aztec civilizations. Europeans made the oceans a highway, these people reached America not only with cannons but also with infectious diseases like yellow fever, smallpox, plague, etc., for which the natives did not have immunity.


1. Spread of Christianity and Western Civilization-

These geographical explorations opened new doors for the spread of Christianity and Western civilization. Christian missionaries went to these places and propagated Christianity. They entered America, Africa and Asia and spread the message of Jesus Christ to the people there, as a result of which a large population became Christians. Christian missionaries were also symbols of European civilization. Wherever they went, European civilization also reached those places along with them.


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