मंगलवार, 14 मार्च 2023

Dayanand Saraswati and Arya Samaj

Swami Dayanand Saraswati was a social reformer and thinker of modern India who wanted to free the Indian society from its inertia and superstition and return it to its ancient glory.

His childhood name was Mool Shankar, who later came to be known as Dayanand. He was born in 1824 in a Brahmin family, resident of Morvi princely state of Gujarat. His father, who himself was a great scholar of Vedas, taught him Vedic literature and Nyaya Darshan etc. Dayanand's curiosity forced him to do yoga etc. and he left home. For the study of Yoga, Dayanand wandered all over India like an ascetic for 15 years. He reached Mathura in 1860 AD and received from Swami Virjanand ji the pure meaning of the Vedas and deep devotion towards the Vedic religion. In 1863, he raised the flag of hypocrisy to refute false religions. In 1874, he composed Satyarth Prakash for the guidance of the people.

Dayanand formally organized the first branch of the Arya Samaj in Bombay in 1875. A few years later, in 1877, another branch of the Arya Samaj was established in Lahore. Swami Dayanand's aim was to unite India religiously, socially and nationally. He wished that Arya Dharma should be the common religion of the country. The principles and rules of Arya Samaj were first formed in Bombay and again they were edited in Lahore in 1877.

Ten principles were given a definite form in Arya Samaj which have not changed till date.

(1.) God is one and formless. He is omnipotent, merciful, immutable, omnipresent, immortal, holy and the creator. Hence he is worthy of worship.

(2.) Vedas are the source of true knowledge. Therefore, reading-teaching and listening-reciting of Vedas is the ultimate religion of all Aryans.

(3.) One should always be ready to accept the truth and give up the untruth.

(4.) All work should be done according to religion, that is, considering truth and untruth.

(5.) It is the main duty of the human society to do favor to the world, that is, to make everyone's physical, spiritual and social progress.

(6.) Everyone should not be satisfied with his own progress. But in the progress of all people, your progress should be understood.

(7.) The instrumental cause of all knowledge and through him all realization is God.

(8.) Every person should destroy ignorance and increase knowledge.

(9.) All people should be treated according to religion, lovingly and appropriately.

(10.) Every person has freedom of conduct in matters of personal interest, but all differences should be forgotten in matters related to social welfare.

    Dayanand Saraswati and the reforms of Arya Samaj

(1.) Opposition to Superstitions:

Swami Dayanand condemned mythological customs and beliefs. He opposed idol-worship, rituals, polytheism, incarnationism, sacrificial practices, heaven and hell and belief in the supremacy of destiny.

(2.) Opposition to hypocrisy:

Arya Samaj opposed the Shradh of the dead. He used to say that it is foolish to imagine that dead persons can take everything to the other world by feeding or donating food to Brahmins or other people. Swami Dayanand did not hate any religion but strongly opposed hypocrisy, untruth, arrogance and pomp.

(3.) Restoration of the importance of the Vedas:

Dayanand explained the Vedas in such a way that Vedas can be considered as the source of scientific, social, political and economic principles. The Arya Samaj strongly believed that there is no such knowledge, which cannot be derived from the Vedas. We need not look to Islam, Christianity and Western civilization. On the basis of the supremacy of the Vedas, the Arya Samaj succeeded in protecting Hinduism from the attacks of Islam and Christianity.

(4.) Propagation of Vedic deeds:

On the basis of Vedas, Arya Samaj emphasized on Yajna-Havan, Mantrocharan, Karma etc. He believed that God is formless, so idol-worship is futile. He supported the Hindu concept of salvation and said that salvation can be achieved by worshiping God, doing good deeds and observing celibacy vow.

(5.) Opposition to caste system:

The caste system, born out of the varna system in Indian society, was prevalent for centuries. This practice protected the Hindu religion for centuries, but after the coming of the Muslims, the narrow form it took, the Hindu society became narrower. Because of this, the social unity of the Hindus got dissolved. Swami Dayanand strongly criticized the caste system. According to him, no person in the society should be deprived of reaching a high position on the basis of birth. He raised his voice against untouchability and sea-travel-prohibition and opposed the caste-system by justifying the ancient varna-system.

(6.) Improvement in the condition of women:

The condition of women in Hindu society was very deplorable due to evil practices like polygamy, child marriage, purdah system, illiteracy, sati system and female infanticide. The Arya Samaj paid special attention to women's education and to give them a higher position in the society. Arya Samaj strongly opposed child marriage, polygamy and purdah system and supported widow-marriage and women's education. Dayanand called for stopping the marriage of girls below the age of 16, termed sati-practice as a sin and emphasized on the equality of men and women. Swami Dayanand said that women have the same right to study the Vedas and wear the sacred thread as men.

(7.) Purification Movement:

Arya Samaj gave birth to the Shuddhi movement. People who had left Hinduism and became Christians and Muslims were re-accepted into Hinduism through purification rites. Due to the efforts of Arya Samaj, lakhs of Hindus who had become Muslims and Christians were purified and called back to Hindu religion. The Arya Samaj re-awakened the dormant self-pride, sense of organization and pure religious rituals of the Hindu society.

(8.) Literary reforms

Swami Dayanand contributed to the development of the national language by writing his books in Hindi. Propounding the importance of Sanskrit, he emphasized on its study and teaching.

(9.) Educational Reforms

Due to the efforts of Arya Samaji Lala Hansraj, who was a supporter of western education, DAVs were established on western standards from place to place. Schools and colleges were established. These educational institutions were affiliated to the government system. While Mahatma Munshiram who wanted to revive the ancient education system of India. So he established Gurukul institutions.

(10.) National Reforms

Talking about the ancient glory of India, Arya Samaj encouraged the development of self-reliance. In fact he was the first person to use the word Swarajya. He was the first person who taught to boycott foreign goods and use indigenous goods. He was the first person who accepted Hindi as the national language. Swamiji has written in Satyarth Prakash that even the best foreign state cannot compare to the home country. He popularized the word Namaste.


Some modern scholars are of the opinion that the work of Arya Samaj was limited to the restoration of Hindu religion. That's why it did not develop nationalism. These scholars allege that the Arya Samaj strengthened the communal spirit by reviving Hinduism. Some English writers, officers and Christian preachers did similar propaganda in relation to Arya Samaj. Valentine Shirol has written- 'The aim of Arya Samaj was to free Hindu religion from foreign influence rather than social reform.' Shirol called Arya Samaj the father of Indian unrest. Lala Lajpat Rai has given a very impressive reply to these allegations of Shirol in his book History of Arya Samaj. 

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