बुधवार, 22 मार्च 2023

Reasons for the rise of Indian nationalism

Nationalism in India began in the late 19th century, in response to British imperialist policies. The British rule itself laid the groundwork for the development of national sentiment in India. The following were the various reasons for the rise of this nationalism-

1. Review of the Colonial Economy

The economic exploitation of India by the British is considered to be the most important reason for the origin of nationalism. Dadabhai Nauraji drew a blueprint of British exploitation by explaining the "principle of drain of wealth". The anti-India economic policy of the British awakened hatred towards the foreign state and love towards the indigenous state in the minds of the Indians.

2. Prevalence of modern education

Western education and culture played an important role in creating nationalist sentiment. The British introduced western education to create "clerks" for the British administration, but the ideas of Burke, James Mill, Gladstone, Spencer, Rousseau, Voltaire etc. played an important role in awakening the feelings of independence, nationalism and self-rule among Indians.

3. Rise of Modern Newspapers

Modern newspapers and press have contributed significantly to the rise of nationalism. Raja Ram Mohan Roy laid the foundation of national press in India. He made the first effort towards political awakening in India by editing newspapers like "Samvad Kaumudi" (Bengali) and Mirat-ul-Akhbar (Persian). Apart from this, Bangdoot, Amrit Bazar Patrika, Kesari, Hindu, Pioneer, Maratha, Indian Mirror etc. criticized the wrong policies of the British rule and raised the feeling of nationalism among Indians.

4. Influence of national literature

National literature is also a major reason for the origin of nationalism. Bhartendu Harishchandra, the father of modern Khadi Boli Hindi, mentioned the aggressive policy of the British towards India in his play "Bharat Durdasha" written in 1876 AD. Other languages like Mohammad Hussain, Altaf Hussain Hali in Urdu, Bankim Chandra Chatterjee in Bengali, Chiplunkar in Marathi; Narmad in Gujarati; In Tamil, the feeling of patriotism is found in the writings of Subramaniam Bharathi etc.

5. Development of transport and communication

The development of means of communication like rail, post, telegraph etc. also strengthened the roots of nationalism in India. Railways played a major role in this. Karl Marx had also written that railways would help in the rise of nationalism. In 1865 AD, Edisin wrote, "Railways will do for India what the big classes have never done before."

6. Social and religious renaissance

The intellectual renaissance played an important role in the rise of nationalism. Raja Rammohan Roy, Swami Dayanand Saraswati, Swami Vivekananda etc shook the inner soul of Indians. Swami Dayanand Saraswati said, "Swadeshi state is paramount and best." Swami Ramatirtha said that "I am the body of India, the whole of India is my body.

7. Racial arrogance of the rulers

At this time the British adopted the policy of apartheid, which was opposed by the educated Indians. Black-white discrimination was done in relation to jobs. Many social clubs were exclusively for Europeans, even in law courts Indians were treated unfairly in front of Europeans. In this way, due to the animosity, unity was born among the Indians.

8. Reactionary policies of Lord Lytton

Lytton's reactionary works like Delhi Durbar, Vernacular Press Act, Arms Act, reducing the age of I.C.S examination from 21 years to 19 years, Second Anglo-Afghan War etc. paved the way for the rise of nationalism.

9. Ilbert Bill Controversy

The Ilbert Bill was passed during the time of India's most popular vicroy Ripon. This bill tried to give the Indian District and Sessions Judges of the Janpad Service the same powers and authority that their European counterparts had. The reaction of the Europeans was so bitter that the Viceroy had to change the Act. The eyes of the Indians were opened in this quarrel. He saw that where the privilege of the Europeans was concerned, they could not get justice.

In short, the people of India responded to the British challenge in a number of forms, including armed rebellion, social reform movements, and the creation of an all-India nationalist organization. They organized a nationalist movement through which India became independent in 1947.

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