रविवार, 26 मार्च 2023

Policies of Moderates nationalists

1. Unity of India

The most important aspect of the attitude of the liberals was to make Indians realize the feeling of unity. Surendranath Banerjee said that India cannot achieve its greatness in the absence of unity. That's why we have to first tie the whole of India in the bond of affection. Dadabhai Naoroji also emphasized that there should be unity and sympathy among people who follow different religions. Due to the propaganda of moderate leaders, a feeling of unity developed in the intelligentsia of India and people engaged in different religions and professions started joining the National Congress.

2. Devotion to the British rule

He believed that it was the British rule that took India on the path of modern civilization, created a sense of freedom, gave rise to national consciousness and worked to bind the people of the country together. Justice Ranade believed that the British rule in India had proved useful in terms of giving political education to the Indians in civil and public activities. He said- 'Due to the lack of scientific activity, new education and business outlook among Hindus and Muslims, the progress kept on slowing down. The advent of the British changed this situation. India saw a new light. The path of modernization was paved. Dadabhai Naoroji believed that the British rule would act as a divine boon for the all-round development of India.

3. In favor of gradual reforms

The liberal leaders were opposed to revolutionary changes in the governance of the country. He believed that reform work in India is not possible at once, so there should be gradual reforms. He wanted to bring about gradual reforms in the political and administrative field. He wanted proper participation of the public in the government. R. S. Pradhan has written- 'The proposals of the initial days of the Congress show that their demands were very simple. Congress leaders were not idealists. They did not build air forts. He was a practical reformer and wanted to achieve independence step by step.'

4. Establishment of permanent relations with Britain

Liberal leaders were the nurturers of western civilization and ideas. He believed that for Indians, India's association with Britain was a blessing. Gopal krishna Gokhale said- 'Our fate is linked with the British. Whether it is for good or for bad. Similarly, Dadabhai Naoroji said- 'Congress is not an organization to rebel against the British Government, but it wants to strengthen the foundation of the British Government.'

5. Belief in the fairness of the British

The liberals believed that the British were the most honest, powerful and democratic people in the world. They will also develop democratic institutions in India. If the British Parliament and the public are made aware of Indian problems, they will certainly take steps for reform. Surendranath Banerjee said- 'We have firm faith in the justice, wisdom and kindness of the British. We have boundless reverence for the greatest representative house of the world, the British House of Commons, the mother of parliaments; The British will voluntarily leave India.'

6. Self-government under the British Empire

The moderate leaders of the Congress wanted self-government under the British Empire. In the second session of the Congress, Surendranath Banerjee said- 'Self-government is a natural gift, it is a wish of divine power. Every nation should have the right to decide its own destiny, this is the law of nature.' They could not imagine even in their dreams if they severed ties with the British Empire. That's why the matter of complete independence was not in his mind. They wanted to get self-government under the British Empire.

7. Confidence in Legal Remedies

Since the moderate leaders had unwavering faith in the justice of the British, they were not ready to adopt revolutionary measures. He never talked about fighting with the government. He had full faith in the constitutional struggle. They did not want to dissatisfy the government with their actions. Violent and revolutionary measures never crossed his mind. Through prayers, petitions, reminders and delegations, they urged the government to accept their just demands. Many scholars believe that the policy of the Congress at this time was to pray, not to fight for its demands.

Some people called this custom as political begging. Other scholars are of the opinion that the liberals did not oppose the British rule because they feared that if they did so, the British government would end the Congress itself. Perhaps he was right to think so. The Congress had not yet been able to strengthen its roots. That's why he presented the wishes and feelings of the public in a very polite way before the government through his proposals and other legal measures.

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